Neuro-K Resonance
How one element reinforces another. The quality in a vibration of being deep, full, and reverberating.
What is Neuro-K Resonance?
Neuro-K Resonance is a collaboration between providers of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and neurofeedback. It combines the neuroplasticity of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with neurofeedback training to enhance focus, sleep, mental clarity, and mood.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a highly specialized form of biofeedback that utilizes EEG technology to train brainwaves into more stable and flexible patterns. Originating in the 1960’s, neurofeedback was used to address many symptoms and diagnostic categories but simply does one thing - increases neuro-regulation.
Neuro-regulation is a dynamic state of a stable and more functional nervous system. This results in increased resilience to stressors, allowing the individual to function in a more optimized way.
Neurofeedback regulates and stabilizes the nervous system providing an enhanced environment to receive the medicine. Through that process, fear and defensiveness are reduced and one’s state of awareness is increased, as well as receptivity to the medicine.
What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) uses a known enhancer of neuroplasticity, ketamine, to create an expansive, non-ordinary state of consciousness.
Your therapist will prepare you for your KAP session with psychoeducation, explore your challenges and goals, and discuss how neurofeedback and integrative practices unique to you will enhance and extend the psychological and physiological benefits of your KAP session.
You will return for a three-hour ketamine session in a comfortable, private container for your experience.
Benefits of Combining KAP & Neurofeedback
The Why
Prepping the brain then adding neurofeedback after KAP helps to integrate the changes, enhances the neuroplasticity and helps extend the benefits into daily life. It offers an opportunity to consolidate the shifts that were made.
Combining neurofeedback with KAP synergizes the experience and magnifies the gains. Taking advantage of a period of increased flexibility and growth in the brain, Nuero-K Resonance reinforces the benefits of both modalities.
The Process
Assessment at KAP Kansas City
Meet with a ketamine prescriber
Visit Midwest Neurofeedback for intake evaluation, brain mapping, and training sessions.
Participate in a KAP session for expanded consciousness and brain plasticity enhancement.
Complete two post-KAP Alpha/Theta training sessions to consolidate shifts and extend benefits.
Clinical Observations
Anecdote is no substitute for properly conducted research, yet I will share my clinical observations. Since 2019, I’ve facilitated hundreds of KAP sessions. I have seen examples for growth and healing in the medicine space.
In the past year, I had occasion to facilitate KAP with five individuals who regularly receive neurofeedback training. For each new client, I do a biopsychosocial assessment and psychometric measures. With these five individuals, each person had the typical life events that I see with all clients: losses, grief, trauma, stressors.
However, the metric for measuring anxiety manifesting in mood, behaviors and how anxiety lives in the body, was considerably lower in this group. I could take any five clients on my caseload and not see an average of scores this low. What these five people have in common is that they all do neurofeedback.
Combining neurofeedback with a substance known to increase neuroplasticity, like ketamine and psilocybin, creates the potential for increased wellbeing. I had my own experiences combining neurofeedback following ketamine and had positive results. The ketamine enhances the neurofeedback, and the neurofeedback integrates the ketamine experience.

NF + KAP = A Synergized Experience